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Crunching the numbers - the power of infographics

Published Jun 09, 2021 – By Ben Barrett


Infographics need to be visually engaging while at the same time telling a clear story. It’s a type of creative project that sees designers and editors work particularly closely, really bringing a client’s vision and message to life.

Here are some of our Wardour favourites…

UK, hun?

We have been creating the '1000 Companies To Inspire Britain' campaign and book for London Stock Exchange Group since 2013. We have always featured an infographics section, but for the 2020 edition we changed approach – closer interrogation of the data allowed us to pull out more detailed regional comparisons. Mixing traditional bar charts with more playful elements, Art Director Rob Patterson used icons relating to the industries – like burgers and batteries – to create a section which felt energetic and full of personality, but that was also rich in data.



The great dictator?

Nobody can vote for a dictator, obvs, but it looks like some people would… For The RSA Journal, we explored a potentially worrying trend: moving away from a belief in democracy. To demonstrate this in graphic form, Senior Designer, Johan Shufiyan got busy with the ‘tacky wax’, tweezers, and a lot of tiny figurines to bring the data to life in 3D form. (Photographed by Pixeleyes).



Now, that’s handy

A few years is a long time in tech… and just a few short years ago we explored the growth of mobile use for digital security giant Gemalto (now part of Thales). As part of our content programme for them, Group Art Director Steve Gibbon commissioned the talented Alberto Antoniazzi to create this illustrated graphic using Barcelona as the example city that had embraced mobile commerce.

This graphic appeared in print on the cover of The Review, as gatefold hand-outs, oversized posters, and as a delightful animation (viewable on mobile of course).



What are you eating?

An infographic should always be visually engaging and communicate information quickly and clearly. The brief for the British Heart Foundation’s Heart Matters magazine was to show the audience what is really in our food. Design Director Colin Wilson decided the best way to do this was to actually use the food to make the words, leaving the reader in no doubt what they are eating (with some help from photographer Adam Gault).

If you’d like to explore further, try this interactive tool we created:



And finally… what should you be eating? or Crunching the numbers

For the Summer 2021 issue of Wealthsmiths for Sanlam, we featured an engrossing article on the rise of insects as a source of food for human consumption. Although often used as a form of torture reality TV, insects are in fact a much more sustainable form of protein than traditional livestock. The figures allowed Rob to create a colourful infographic – the insect/livestock were treated as bar graphs with the appropriate levels of nutritional information overlaid on top. Lovely grub!


To learn more about how Wardour can help with your next infographic, send us an email at hello@wardour.co.uk – we’d love to hear from you. 

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